

What does 4u stand for?

As the name suggests 4U-therapy is all about you, and not about me however, this website tells you a bit about 4U-therapy to help you make an informed decision as to whether we could be a good fit. (Research shows that the therapeutic alliance is the most important factor in successful therapy).

The 4 ‘U’s


Unload your concerns, troubling thoughts and worries


Unlock some of the causes of these patterns of thinking and behaving which may now be unhelpful


Unlearn responses which have lost their usefulness


Unleash your full potential

What theory forms the foundation of 4u-therapy?

4U-therapy comes from a broadly humanistic theoretical approach. I believe that human beings are capable of change and are not determined by biology or environment although both play a part in who we are. I am not a purist and do not believe that one size or approach suits all clients.

Having said that I believe the core conditions of person-centred therapy (congruency, unconditional positive regard and empathy) are important in laying the foundations for a good therapeutic alliance/relationship.

I also utilise elements of cognitive therapy, transactional analysis, and acceptance and commitment therapy where appropriate. Additionally, I offer mindfulness and grounding techniques when clients are experiencing an emotional crisis

What describes 4u-therapy?

4U- therapy is


What qualifications does the therapist have?
  • MSc (Distinction) in Counselling (Bangor University)
  • Psychology conversion degree (Australian College of Applied Psychology)
  • Graduate Diploma in Psychology Advanced, GDPA (Monash University, Australia)
  • Member of both the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (MBACP) and the British Psychological Society (GMBPsS).
  • B.Ed Honours. (Specialising in World Religions).
Who does 4u-therapy work with?
Anyone who is over 18 years of age who accepts the counselling agreement discussed in the first session.
How much do sessions cost?

Prices for 2022

  • Free initial introductory 30-minute session
  • £40 per 50-minute session payable on the day of therapy.
  • Discounts are available for full time students, carers and others on a low income – please contact me for details.
  • Discounts are also available if 10 sessions are paid upfront in advance, please contact me for details.
How many sessions can I have?

The number of sessions you have will be privately agreed between you and the therapist and you will have the right to withdraw from sessions at any time. I recommend a minimum of 6 sessions, but this is negotiable.

Where are sessions held?
  • Remotely on Teams/Zoom or by telephone.
  • Face-to-face if you prefer although this may incur extra cost for room hire (Prestatyn, North Wales).
How do I book?

By contacting the therapist. Email:  4uintegrativecounselling@gmail.com

Please allow 48 hours for a reply.

I particularly welcome neurodivergent clients and people of faith and have experience of working with people from a variety of cultural backgrounds with a range of mental health issues including but not exclusive to, anxiety and depression, who may be experiencing personal loss/relationship/work/or family issues. I champion equality, diversity and inclusion and specialise in working with adult Third Culture Kids. (You know who you are).

Lorraine Ann